“Break Free.” What do those words mean to you? Some people may picture taking an epic vacation. Others might think about finishing their education or moving to a new part of the world. Regardless of the details, you probably imagine that “Breaking Free” means changing your way of life for the better. It could be a scary concept – but it is exciting too!

How can you start Breaking Free today? You can’t transform your life all at once. It begins with tiny steps, daily effort, and hourly determination to succeed. By joining LegalShield, you have the opportunity to begin Breaking Free – and give others the opportunity to Break Free as well!

For over 50 years, LegalShield has made legal access affordable and simple. We protect LegalShield Members with our legal plans, putting members into contact with a dedicated network of provider law firms. Our provider lawyers can help members with legal issues related to estate planning, family law, speeding tickets, residential loan documents, IRS Audit Related Services and more. And we rely on our amazing LegalShield Independent Associates to get the word out to the public!

As a LegalShield associate, you have the opportunity to get paid daily and earn residual income while helping people access the legal protection they deserve. When you start your business, you get to start furthering your education with trainings, webinars, video calls and more, where you’ll learn how to take your business to the next level. Breaking Free from the norm doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. There is support along the way.

We also encourage you to develop friendships with like-minded entrepreneurs who are building their own LegalShield businesses alongside you. You can ask a seasoned associate to act as your mentor and offer wisdom from their years of experience. You can also meet the other associates who are beginning their LegalShield businesses just like you. Together, you can Break Free with this opportunity.

Here at LegalShield, we know that all work and no play make Breaking Free feel less free and feel more like a grind. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to earn bonuses, hit goals, and achieve incentives that we offer to get you to the next step of your business. As you reach these achievements, you’ll get the opportunity to earn annual trips and other rewards for all your hard work.

Our product is for the people. That means it can be for you too. Break Free from the norm and step into something new and exciting with this business opportunity. Build a business, enjoy the opportunity to earn income for yourself and your loved ones, and help us create something special and empowering for millions of people today!

This information is for illustration purposes only. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (“PPLSI”) provides access to legal protection services and identity theft and restoration services. LegalShield is a product of PPLSI. See a legal plan contract for specific state of residence for complete terms, coverage, amounts and conditions. The business opportunity information is for use by PPLSI, its affiliates and its independent associates. No guarantee or promise of increase income or business is implied. Individual results and success as an independent sales associate depends on individual effort and abilities. For statistics on actual earnings, please review the income disclosure statement available at opportunity.legalshield.com. IDShield is a product of PPLSI and plans are available at individual or family rates. For complete terms, coverage, and conditions, please see an identity theft plan. All Licensed Private Investigators are licensed in the state of Oklahoma. An Identity Fraud Protection Plan (“Plan”) is issued through a nationally recognized carrier. PPLSI is not an insurance carrier. This covers certain identity fraud expenses and legal costs as a result of a covered identity fraud event. See a Plan for complete terms, coverage, conditions, limitations and family members who are eligible under the Plan.